Sunday, 24 June 2007

Big Brother 8: Days 25 and 26 - 24th June 2007

Another late night ensures that the lazy housemates do not wake until 12pm. They are told to wait in the bedroom for a task that seemingly never appears to happen

A knobbly knee competition is hastily set up, almost unbelievably unimaginative. Everyone has to pull up their trousers and display their knees behind curtains dancing to music one woman and one man will win the ‘reward’ of a 1970s caravan. Charley and Brian win. When Charley is told she is excited but Brian, bless him less so, considering Charley punched him in the balls earlier during an argument its not surprise. Big Brother gives them hideous clothes. Charley has a floral two piece, pop-socks, flat sandals and a knotted hanky, Brian has a checked shirt, half-mast pants, white socks and Jesus sandals and another knotted hanky. They are like a hip and happening George and Mildred.”I hope she’s in there a week” Jonathan declares. In the caravan Charley and Brian slate Billi for his posing skills, his pervyness and his isolating attitude, despite Charley spending hours previously with Billi slating everyone else.

Liam varnishes Nicky’s toes. They worry me…they are even starting dress the same – all matching stripes and slippers. It’s a pity Liam has let things go on so long…he clearly has different feelings. In a cider frenzy Brian dances madly in the caravan alone, mad hat and everything…he’s on top form actually, he even manages to get Charley to laugh through her whinges.

The next day the caravan task ends early because Charley is bored. She can’t bear Brian’s constant “shaht up” and his inappropriate erections. Liam takes a bath and invites Nicky to talk to him. A word of advice Liam, if you want to let a woman “down gently” don’t lay in front of her nearly naked and get her to rub your face. Nicky grumps for the rest of the day, back to her misery mode. When an endurance sleep task of 60 hours is set, where the pool, straighteners, sharp objects and the beds are banned Nicky nearly loses her mind, “You’re going to be fun” Jonathan says. A nation nods.

In all white pyjamas, teddy bears and robes the housemates set sail to stay awake. Jonathan and Ziggy are sceptical. The twins and Gerry are happy to play fight with pillows, but am I alone in hoping to see the twins frayed, angry and shouty on no sleep? Big Brother immediately stops the fun and everyone moans. Oh dear…

Chanelle settles down with everyone to listen to Goldilocks as the bedtime story. “Is this the one with a poisoned apple?” she asks. Blimey! Thankfully Gerry makes Chanelle’s bear Betsy have sex with one of the task bears for light relief. Charley vows not to speak to anyone before speaking to EVERYONE.

Laura, who I would singe to death with the dreaded Big Brother hair straighteners if I could, shouts and stomps, overriding everyone trying to “keep up spirits”. I’d rather fail the task and give in to weeks of endless sniping and nomination than have Laura geeing me up.

Carole tries to expose Ziggy's penis (hell fire) as Sam and Amanda play pillow fights to keep awake. Tracey is buzzing again. I don't know where she keeps her acid but I wish she'd give some to everyone else...and me!

Think Billi is a rough diamond? Is Besty a slut?

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